Los phrasal verbs son estructuras compuestas por verbos, adjetivos, adverbios o preposiciones que describen acciones o estados específicos. Los nativos suelen usarlos de manera frecuente y si tú te aprendes unos cuantos podrás sonar como un verdadero nativo.
Checa algunos de ellos enfocados a la medicina:
1. Burn up: Consumir
Ex. How many calories have you burnt up today?
2. Care for: preocuparse por/cuidar a.
Ex. My dad cares for his wife, who has Alzheimer's.
3. Fight off: combatir
Ex. Theresa is currently fighting off leukaemia.
4. Knock out: inconsciente
Ex. The combination of pills knocked him out completely.
5. Minister to: atender a
Ex: Nurse Angela ministered to her charge all night.
6. Pass away: morir
Ex. Your uncle passed away at ten o'clock last night.
7. Perk up: animarse/ reanimarse
Ex. Looks like Tom's perked up a bit today.
8. Seize up: paralizarze
Ex. And then my calf muscle suddendly seized up.
¡Ya sabes que puedes utilizar estos phrasal verbs mejorarás tu english de manera increíble!
By: Joanna Rios.